Grading Policy

We are building a “world class” entrepreneurship program and business school overall with high standards and expectations.  As such, this course will be rigorous and grading will be demanding.  The table below shows how the point scores on each assignment (points given on a scale from 1 to 100) correspond to letter grades.  There will typically be no “curving” of the grade distribution. 
Grading Scale: Individual grades will be based on a 200 point scale as follows:
A                 93-100%      

A-                90-92%

B+               87-89%

B                 83-86%

B-                80-82%

C+               77-79%

C                 73-76%

C-                70-72%

D+               67-69%

D                 60-66%                   

F                  59% and below

Class Conduct and Related Policies:

Late Assignments:
  Assignments are due at the start of the class (unless otherwise noted).  Late assignments will be allowed only in cases of unavoidable personal or family emergencies and the student must notify me prior to the class when it is due.  In all other cases there will be a significant reduction in points for late assignments.

Late or Absent from Class:  Though I will not literally take a “roll” each day, I will generally monitor attendance and timeliness for class and this will be factored into the participation score. On certain, days on Discussions I may take a roll.

Grade Appeals:  If you believe there was a mistake made in the grading of one of your assignments please notify me promptly and I will determine whether a review of the assignment is warranted.

Incomplete Grade:
  Students will not be given an incomplete grade in the course without a documented medical reason.
Students with Disabilities:  Students with disabilities are encouraged to take part in this class and should contact the instructor to make arrangements for any needed accommodations.  Please notify the professor during the first week of class of any accommodations needed for the class.  All accommodations must be approved through the Disability Resource Center (DRC) in the Administration Annex, Room 205.  The student must complete an accommodation form with the DRC staff with enough lead time for the accommodations to be made.

  Students are expected to uphold the WSU Standards of Conduct for Students in all aspects and particularly relating to academic dishonesty.  Students assume full responsibility for the integrity and originality of the academic work they submit.  Any student violating the honor code is subject to a failing grade for the class and will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct in the Lighty Student Services Building, Room 190.  If you have any questions or wish to see a current copy of the conduct code, please visit the Office of Student Conduct.
Campus Safety:  At WSU we are all firmly committed to campus safety for everyone here at the university.  In order to be prepared in case of an emergency, please investigate these too links on campus safety here at WSU: and